Asking For Your Support, Prayers, & Positive Energy. Jeff Hemming Diagnosed with Metastatic Pancreatic Stage IV Cancer. No More Drone Training & Education.
Family and Friends are here asking for support for a good friend of ours, Jeff Hemming. We are fundraising to assist with innovative medical treatments outside of chemotherapy that are not covered by health insurance along with any other expenses known and unknown.

Eight months ago, he started having stomach issues and pain. The pain was different than heartburn and reflux. When he ate, he couldn't keep it down. After many doctors' visits over the last several months and them ruling out several things, he was still getting no relief from the pain and had lost over 50 pounds. Finally on November 3rd, 2024, he couldn't stand the pain any longer and had an ambulance take him to the ER. That is when and where he received the dreadful news that no one would want to hear.
He was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic metastatic cancer.
The ER doctor explained, it had spread to his liver, small intestine (duodenum) and likely other organs in his body. Extremely serious with no cure and terminal. He could not start chemo right away because he was too weak, had lost too much weight and wasn't really eating or drinking anything. The cancer had grown and blocked his small intestine. Before he could even try Chemo, he had to have gastric bypass just to be able to eat. That surgery was successful, so at least he could eat and drink a little. He was able to build up some strength and has had the first round of Chemo.

Jeff worked in logistics for 30+ years, lastly working with DHL Express on the Global Multinational Customers Team, traveling all over the world for the company. He left that job to help his daughter who had become ill. In 2016, he started his own business flying Drones and became so proficient at it that he opened Carolina Drone Academy, training the military, law enforcement, and other governmental agencies. Unfortunately, Covid basically destroyed his business and depleted most of his funds. He was working on getting the business back up and running successfully again when this diagnosis happened. Being self-employed and no longer being able to work, his income has stopped. Although he is very private, he could really use your help with living expenses, medical bills/deductibles, and just day-to-day expenses. He also would like to try some innovative therapies, including high dosage Vitamin C infusions. This has been shown to improve the side effects of chemo, quality of life and possibly extend the life expectancy. Jeff has placed this battle in the hands of God, and we all are continually praying for healing and less pain.
Jeff and his daughters (Logan and Aubrey), grandkids, family and friends appreciate any support that you can give. Any amount is very much appreciated, and no amount is too small. Please keep Jeff and his family in your prayers. If you are able, please share Jeff's story and GoFundMe
Thank you and bless you.